As I prayed and scouted the region to discover where other new believers are assembling, the Lord showed me Hasam, Emra, and Wolfgang.
Hasam has between 48 -52 new believers he is trying to disciple in a small evangelical German speaking church on the north side of the city. Hasam is sold out for Jesus and the church is trying to help as best they can. Since the church doesn’t speak Persian, and translators are few and far between, this is a unique challenge. Wolfgang is the pastor of that church. He is a deep thinker, strategist, and a powerful preacher of God’s Word.
Emra is the daughter of an Iranian Couple. Her parents escaped from Iran when she was about 16. Her German is very good and her passion for worship is incredible. She helps her parents disciple and pastor some 80 believers, some relatively new in the faith. She told me last Sunday, “Yes many came to us needing help with their asylum problems. We tried to pour into them as much of God’s truth as we could. After they came to faith none seem to leave the church after they received asylum. Emra’s focus is worship and the worship band grooves in full power praise to Jesus. At the end of the worship service last Sunday many of the members were waving colorful flags with the cross, singing Hallelujah in all fervor. You had to be there. What an encore!
Praying to better understand the situation of the Immigrant churches.
One thing is very clear: there is a need for discipleship.