Hi Russ,
Thanks for putting the zoom meeting together yesterday (my first) --wonderful to see familiar faces and so full of information. Loved being with you all !
Wanted you to have more information than I could share then, just in case you or any of the group needed it : If you go to Cassingram.com you will find a detailed description about the product including an offer for a free book –“COVID-19 Remedy”. I may do that myself. But the book I’ve relied on for years is “The Cure is in the Cupboard” by Dr. Cass Ingram. I paid a few dollars for it (used) before this virus hit but I notice the price has dramatically risen… the cheapest I saw was on Ebay for about $12
I don’t know if this doc is a believer, but he states that this oregano is the hyssop of the Bible. There are many brands out there, some not even true oregano, but Spanish marjoram. OREGANOL P 73 by NORTH AMERICAN HERB and SPICE is the gold standard, organically sourced from the Mediterranean region. And potent. It comes in pill form but doesn’t seem to be as effective as the concentrated drop form. If you drop it on your tongue (as I do ) it will make you VERY alert. Might be prudent to mix with water when you aren’t accustomed to the jolt. It is effective against pneumonia, shingles, allergies and many other conditions the medical community can’t touch… but is recognized as safe by the FDA. Don’t use it, however, if you have a blood disorder or are on blood thinners. And use with caution if you are allergic to mint, sage, basil or lavender. I’m using the super strength but the regular is very good, too. I’m not aware of any side effects… other than sleeping better. It is anti viral, anti inflammatory, anti microbial and a cancer suppressor. Even the fumes are healing .
I notice the price gouging is lessening- I see more reasonable prices on Amazon and Ebay if you want to research and can’t find it locally. I can’t recommend it as a sure cure but I’m intrigued at the thought that it MIGHT be. And that this entire plague is easily subdued by a little plant the Lord provided centuries ago for “ such a time as this”… confounding the experts but not the Great Physician. J I read that hyssop branches were used in spreading blood on the door frames at Passover (!) If I can clarify or help you in any way, please let me know
Hope you never need this information, S....