Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Right Bus Seat?


After Refugee discipleship class a couple of the men stay online to talk. One of the young leaders asked me to help his friend.  

I hardly know him. 
He was going to Asylum court in just four days.

 I thought, “ Well because a young leader asked, I’ll make the time.” 

I met Moh.... on my day off and found out he is a gem of a person, truly seeking Jesus, highly skilled and motivated in his field of study,... and he has a deep desire to serve Jesus. 
He went to asylum court and was immediately given asylum (very unusual). It seems the judge could see that his heart and life are sold out for Christ, and it would be life threatening to send him back to his home country. I met Moh..... after discipleship class the next week and showed him how he can get started in a ministry that fits his spiritual and natural gifting. 

My own mentor and greatly respected friend Dr. Dennis Morgan told me,

 “it’s not only important that we get everyone in the bus, but we have
 to get them into the right seat.” 

Main Prayer Request: Lord help us get all those in “Refugee Discipleship”, “Character Mentor Network”, and “Vienna Area Refugee Network” into the right seat on the bus. 

Answered Prayer.  The communication software to all the refugees on my phone crashed and I couldn’t seem to get the problem fixed. I told my wife about it several times all week long and so she asked, “ Can I try?”       
 She pressed one button and it started working again. Praise the Lord !!!!

By the grace of God and in Jesus Christ’s precious name, AMEN
