Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thank You!

 Answers from December Prayers

  • Going to Asylum Court to testify on Monday Dec. 7th -> Pray for a strong witness for Christ to be given by the Asylum Seeker. Lord please help him communicate well. Ari… did the very best he could and yet there was more background information that he needed to clear up with the judge. The Holy Spirit moved Ari... to do the right thing. His next Asylum court appointment will be sometime next year. The Spirit led me to give a clear Gospel word to the judge after she asked me, “What can you tell me in connection with the religious attitude of the one in question.” 

  • Character Mentor Network meeting on Dec. 14th.  -> Lord help us get the details finished so that all those trained will be motivated to train others. Our meeting was encouraging and inspired. Much growth is taking place. (See Advancements 2020 below)

  • May the Lord provide Ahm…. with a place to live and a job in a very timely manner. It seems there is another bureaucratic delay for Ahm…. May the Lord push things through so Ahm…. can get established.

  • Three things that need more prayer:

1.Young Leaders in training with their refugee friends from church.

  • The young Refugees in training and the discipleship class continues. We invite and teach and shepherd as best we can. The depth of being in the Family of God is a key to all we minister too.

2. Refugee Network:

  • The Lord show me some next steps using a co-worker, and now we have an active plan and  for January 2021. 
  • Met with a larger National Refugee Network on Friday Dec. 18th that could move things toward better enforced rights and fairness for the refugees in Austria and in Europe in general. Thank You Lord for these steps forward.

3. Character Mentor Network Advancements 2020

(Summary from Dr. D. Morgan):

The Character Mentoring has been developed as a type of community assistance that focuses on personal character strengthening and resilience building. Here are some highlights on our progress

1.    There are now over 20 people who are certified in Character Mentoring or will soon be, representing at least 9 cultures/nationalities and at least 7 languages. 

2.    The Character Mentoring work is now international, with certified Character Mentors and trainees in Costa Rica, Slovakia, and the United States.

3.    The Character Mentor Program website has recently received a refreshed look. 

4.    Our Character Mentor Trainers are actively preparing others to be Character Mentor providers. 

5.    We have established an association for Character Mentors, the Character Mentor Network, with its own recently published website. 

6.    The Character Mentor Network is now on Facebook and Instagram, also helping to increase our visibility.

7.    In this Character Mentor Network, we now have a leadership team, members, and member meetings that are furthering the organization and promotion of Character Mentoring.

8.    More importantly, we are seeing people personally benefiting from the training and, in turn, benefiting others through Character Mentoring. 

Devotional from the Dec. 14th Character Mentor Network meeting:

Of all the gifts we receive at Christmas there is none greater than Christ himself, God in the flesh, the incarnate and present God. As we work with people we are giving them the same gift of God in us, Emmanuel. It is our presence and the presence of Christ in us that we give to another as mentor, trainer or friend. Presence, time, care and compassion. We give out of what we have received.

The last verse of “ O Little Town of Bethlehem”

 O holy Child of Bethlehem,

descend to us, we pray,

cast out our sin, and enter in,

be born in us today!

We hear the Christmas angels

the great glad tidings tell.

O come to us, abide with us,

our Lord Emmanuel.

As God abides in us and in our hearts, we give to others. It is the foundation of all we are and all we do.

Jayne Uhlig-Ferguson

Thank you Father in Heaven for answers to our prayers! 
In Jesus Christ’s name, AMEN.


  1. Love hearing of the answers to prayer. May the Lord continue to bless and expand the ministry you faithfully serve. Merry Christmas!

  2. Blessings to you all. Thanks for the updates!
